The Top Three Priorities Your Business Should Be Thinking About | Kelowna Marketing


A recent survey from the Bank of Canada has taught us that not only are Canadians spending less right now but how they are spending has dramatically changed. People are spending more on necessities and personal care, and less on entertainment and items like new cars that require long term payments. We do not have a hard time accepting that as a focus on practical spending is an obvious outcome of a pandemic. As a Kelowna Marketing Agency, we think that most Kelowna Businesses are not prepared to accept is the fact that online sales in 2020 have increased by 40% since 2019. Don’t forget, most Canadians only accepted that Covid-19 was a pandemic halfway through this year. 

So, what does this mean for your business in 2021? 

If before all of this you were relying on people to come to your door to make a sale, you were already behind the 8 ball. Customers are doing more and more research online and the Brick-and-Mortar approach is quickly fading. Covid-19 has escalated this decline in-store visits substantially. So, as we are closing out in 2020, and you are starting to think about 2021, here are three business decisions you need to be thinking about. 

Priority # 1: Selling your products online is priority number one. 

If you do not have an eCommerce site, you need to get one. If online sales are growing by almost 40%, that means you have lost 40% in revenue without an online shopping option. If you are selling a home, users need o be able to digitally walk through the home, if you are selling cars, buyers need to view that car while social distancing, if you are selling products, users need to be able to shop, buy, and return that product without ever leaving the home. No matter what industry you are in, our Kelowna Marketing team can help you get your products online. Don’t wait, because in 2021 online shopping will only be more prominent. Need to Implement an eCommerce site? Ask us how we can help

Priority # 2: Show how important your product or service is to your potentials. 

We know that urgency sells. When we live in a world where everything is urgent and instant, you must highlight how your business is going to help during these tough times. If you are a financial planner or a new home developer, it may be difficult to bring new clients in, but through properly working your Social Media, you can educate potential buyers on why your services are important during this time. If you are not telling your potentials why you’re important, I can guarantee your competition isn’t doing it for you. Need to build your Social Media? We can help

Priority # 3: If you are new to the digital game, digital ads are a necessity to get your message out there

We all love the free adverting that we gain through things like Google My Business or Google SEO, but those are long-term initiatives. Every month you wait without hiring an SEO expert the further away you are from gaining that free advertising. When your store launches online it will be important that you set up proper Digital Ad accounts to get your products in front of the right eyes. Through Google and Facebook, we can advertise to people who are “in market”, this means, people who have expressed interest in the product you offer based on their online activity. If you are choosing to advertise without a Kelowna marketing professional, you could be overspending and getting 0 results. Work with Swequity10, and we will get your brand in front of customers who are ready to buy. 

The most overused word in 2020 was unprecedented. Although this word may have been very overused, it is very true. This year was like one we have never seen. But we are strong, we are resilient, and together we can adapt. Partner with Swequity10 a Kelowna Marketing Company and together we can put 2020 behind us, and make 2021 the most profitable one yet. For more information, contact our Kelowna Marketing Team.

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