Your web design is costing you leads, here is why.

Web Design in kelowna, BC

Redesigning your website is not a small or simple task. Web design is a process that will take both time and patience. It all starts with understanding your customers’ journey and ends by helping them achieve their goals. You will find a ton of website builders that are free to use, so it is tempting […]

How to Set Up Your Email Marketing Campaigns

I believe many people get stuck in seeing the difference between cold emails and a properly set up email drip campaign. They are led to believe that because they themselves unsubscribe, or just delete emails that come to their inbox on a regular basis that there is simply no value in email marketing. The truth […]

Should you hire a marketing agency or an internal marketer?

Social Media Management

Let me start by saying that I have done both, I have been the employed marketer in place to remove external contacts, and I have been the agency looking to take on more contracts. There are pros and cons to both and ultimately there’s a best option for you to help grow your current business.  […]